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    Varanasi Boat Ride - Explore Varanasi | Varanasi Tour Packages

    Welcome to Varanasi Boat Ride, where we invite you to embark on a journey that will immerse you in the vibrant tapestry of the ancient city of Varanasi. But we're not just about providing a means of transportation. We are storytellers, narrating the rich history and legends that have been woven into the very fabric of Varanasi. Our knowledgeable and friendly boatmen will regale you with captivating tales, transporting you back in time to an era where gods and goddesses walked the earth.Read more

    Future Activities

    Continue to provide Education to slum area children. Continue establishing “SEED Elite Nurseries” in slum areas to provide state of the art pre-primary education to slum area children. Continue to train teachers for Primary Schools.Read more

    Continue to provide Education to slum area children. Continue establishing “SEED Elite Nurseries” in slum areas to provide state of the art pre-primary education to slum area children. Continue to train teachers for Primary Schools.Read more